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Table 2 DaT-SPECT visual read results of the imaged participants (N = 398)

From: Evaluating dopamine transporter imaging as an enrichment biomarker in a phase 2 Parkinson’s disease trial


Activity pattern

Participants, N (%)


Activity in the putamen and caudate nuclei of both hemispheres is still visible

15 (3.8%)


Activity in the region of the putamen is absent or greatly reduced in at least one hemisphere. Activity is still visible in the caudate nuclei of both hemispheres

81 (20.3%)

Activity is absent in the putamen of both hemispheres and confined to the caudate nuclei

204 (51.3%)

Activity is absent in the putamen of both hemispheres and greatly reduced in one or both caudate nuclei

98 (24.6%)

  1. DaT-SPECT dopamine transporter single-photon emission computed tomography