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Table 4 Example topics in the interview guide

From: Establishing content validity for the migraine Global Impression Item (mGI-I) assessment: a modified single-item migraine symptom severity questionnaire

Interview Topic


• Asked if there was anything unclear about the instructions or the item

• Asked if the question was relevant to their experience with migraine

• Asked if they could put the question into their own words

• Asked to answer the item and if they were able to easily find a response option that fit their experience with migraine

• Asked what they considered when answering the item

To document evidence of content validity for the mGI-I for each of three migraine-related subpopulations: migraine patients, KFMs, and treating HCPs

• Asked how they interpret the difference between response options (e.g., Much Improved vs A Little Improved as well as Much Worse vs. A Little Worse)

• Asked what changes they needed to have occur to have experienced improvement or worsening

To document how respondents defined improvement/worsening in migraine severity

• Asked their preference (and rationale for preference) between the item stems

• Asked their preference (and rationale for preference) between the response scales

To aid in selection of most appropriate and comprehensive item to the target population