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Table 3 Chronic headache patients’ number of pain-related visits to non-medical practitioners and number of pain-related acupuncture visits per year

From: Chronic headache patients’ health behavior and health service use 12 months after interdisciplinary treatment – what do they keep in their daily routines?

Number of visits to non-medical practitioners per year

n (%) at T1 (therapy start)

n (%) at T2 (12-month FU)


79 (74.5)

86 (85.1)

 One to Four

16 (15.1)

11 (10.9)

 Five to Eight

5 (4.7)

1 (1.0)

 Nine to Twelve

5 (4.7)

2 (2.0)

 Thirteen or more

1 (.9)

1 (1.0)

Number of pain-related acupuncture appointments per year



79 (74.5)

89 (88.1)

 One to Ten

19 (17.9)

9 (8.9)

 Eleven to Twenty

6 (5.7)

1 (1.0)

 Twenty-one or more

2 (1.9)

2 (2.0)