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Table 1 Interview guide for experts and patients with MS on their experiences with the PExMS website

From: Development and evaluation of a website with patients experiences of multiple sclerosis: a mixed methods study

Interview guide

1. What is your overall impression of the website?

 - What did you particularly like about the website and why?

 - What did you particularly not like about the website and why?

2. What is your impression of the design and appearance of the website?

 - Layout

 - Colour scheme

 - Graphical elements

 - Image and sound quality of the videos and audios

3. What is your impression of the content of the website?

 - Are the topics in the videos and audios presented in a balanced way?

 - Is any important topic not represented on the website?

 - Were there any video or audio clips that irritated you and if so, why?

 - For what purposes would you use the website?

4. What would you like to see in the further development of the website?

5. Is there anything you would like to add that hasn’t been addressed yet?