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Table 1 Demographics, admission status and clinical outcome of TBI Patients

From: The combination of arterial lactate level with GCS-pupils score to evaluate short term prognosis in traumatic brain injury: a retrospective study



Male (n [%])

144 ± (75%)

Age (year)

54.14 ± 16.94

Height (cm)

168.76 ± 8.31

Weight (kg)

69.99 ± 12.21

BMI (kg/m2)

24.48 ± 3.32

Type of TBI

 Intracranial hemorrhage (ICH)

99 (51.56%)

 Subdural hemorrhage (SDH)

52 (27.08%)

 Epidural hemorrhage (EDH)

27 (14.06%)

 Diffuse axonal injury

9 (4.69%)


5 (2.60%)

ISS score

 Mild to moderate (1–8) (n [%])

3 (1.56%)

 Head AIS (M,IOQ)

2 (1.5, 2)

 Sum of non-head AIS (M,IOQ)

1 (0.5,1.5)

 Serious (9–15) (n [%])

19 (9.90%)

 Head AIS

3 (3, 3)

 Sum of non-head AIS (M,IOQ)

1 (1, 1)

 Severe (16–24) (n [%])

36 (18.75%)

 Head AIS

4 (4, 4)

 Sum of non-head AIS (M,IOQ)

1 (0, 1)

 Critical (25–75) (n [%])

134 (69.79%)

 Head AIS

5 (5, 5)

 Sum of non-head AIS (M,IOQ)

1 (1, 1)

GCSP score

 Mild (13–15) (n [%])

25 (13.02%)

 Moderate (9–12) (n [%])

27 (14.06%)

 Severe (1–8) (n [%])

140 (72.92%)

Surgery (n [%])

112 (58.33%)


43.8 ± 12.74

Mechanical ventilation (n [%])

126 (65.63%)

Analgesia (n [%])

186 (96.88%)

Sedation (n [%])

184 (95.83%)

ICU length of stay (days)

19 ± 18

GOS after discharge

 1 (death) (n [%])

36 (18.75%)

 2 (vegetative) (n [%])

11 (5.73%)

 3 (severe disability) (n [%])

92 (47.92%)

 4 (moderate disability) (n [%])

23 (11.98%)

 5 (good recovery) (n [%])

30 (15.63%)

Hospital length of stay (days)

23 ± 21

Lactate concentration (mmol/L)

  < 2 (Mean ± SD [n(%)])

1.23 ± 0.37 [103 (53.65%)]

 2 - 5 (Mean ± SD [n(%)])

3.04 ± 2.43 [63 (32.81%)]

  > 5(Mean ± SD [n(%)])

7.70 ± 2.43 [26 (13.54%)]

  1. BMI Body mass index, TBI Traumatic brain injury, ISS Injury Severity Score, GCS-P Glasgow Coma Scale and Pupil response score, APACHE II Acute physiology and chronic health evaluation II, ICU Intensive care unit, GOC Glasgow outcome score, AIS Abbreviated Injury Score, M(IQR) Median (Interquartile range)