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Table 2 Study's inclusion and exclusion criteria

From: An intervention design for promoting quality of life among patients with multiple sclerosis: a protocol with a planning approach for a mixed methods study

Step number

Inclusion criteria

Exclusion criteria

Steps 1 & 3

1) Having MS diagnosed by a neurologist;

2) Having MS for more than 1 year;

3) Having not a chronic disease other than MS;

4) Being able to participate in the interview and sharing their experiences; and

5) Having rich and useful experiences about living with the disease and willing to retell their experiences to the researcher (only in step 1)

Individuals will be excluded if:

1) Being unable to cooperate and talk due to the worsening of the disease or other reasons;

2) Not willing to continue the interview at the time of the interview; and

3) Having cognitive dysfunction or severe disability

Steps 4 & 6

1)Having MS diagnosed by a neurologist;

2) Having MS for more than 1 year;

3) Having not a chronic disease other than MS;

4) Willingness to participate in the study;

5) Internet access to answer questions; and

6) Access to the virtual networks of WhatsApp or Telegram and the ability to use it (only in step 6)

1) Having cognitive dysfunction or severe disability; and

2) If they lost any of the inclusion criteria