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Table 1 Activities to be performed weekly according to the cognitive stimulation booklet

From: Effects of a cognitive stimulation program on physical and cognitive dimensions in community-dwelling faller older adults with cognitive impairment: study protocol



Cognitive domain


1- Colored Balloons

2- What's the word?

3- Draw the story

Attention, Memory and Learning, Executive Functioning, Social Cognition, Language


1- What is alike?

2- Complete Drawing

3- In which song is that?

Attention, Memory and Learning, Executive Functioning, Perceptual motor, Language


1- Count and paint

2- Whose footprint is that?

3- Sing the sayings

Attention, Memory and Learning, Executive Functioning, Social Cognition, Language


1- Find the objects

2- Do the drawing

3- Crossword

4- Dual task

Attention, Memory and Learning, Executive Functioning, Language


1- Copying the sticks

2- Naming

3- Left or right?

Attention, Memory and Learning, Executive Functioning, Language


1- Paste the letter

2- Write the objects

3- Math and results

Attention, Memory and Learning, Executive Functioning, Language


1- Find the pairs

2- Maze

3- Paint the pairs

4- Grocery Store

Attention, Memory and Learning, Executive Functioning, Language


1- Crossword

2- Painting

3- Finding the words

Attention, Memory and Learning, Executive Functioning


1- Finding the objects

2- What’s the contrary?

3- Circle the rhymes

4- Find the pairs

Attention, Memory and Learning, Executive Functioning, Social Cognition, Language


1- Copy the images

2- What’s the time?

3- Circle what’s repeated

4- Complete the song

Attention, Memory and Learning, Executive Functioning, Language


1- Find the mistakes

2- Route

3- Find the pairs

4- Dual task

Attention, Memory and Learning, Executive Functioning, Language


1- Creating words

2- Crossword

3- Maze

4- Connecting the dots

Attention, Memory and Learning, Executive Functioning


1- Tangram

2- Finding the mistake

3- What’s next?

4- Filling with the time

Attention, Memory and Learning, Executive Functioning, Perceptual motor


1- What’s the intruder?

2- Painting

3- Dual task

4- Folding

Attention, Memory and Learning, Executive Functioning, Social Cognition, Language


1- Circle the numbers

2- What’s the relationship?

3- Finding the objects

4- Puzzle

Attention, Memory and Learning, Executive Functioning, Perceptual motor


1- Count the images

2- Crosswords

3- Daily activities

4- The colors puzzle

Attention, Memory and Learning, Executive Functioning