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Table 1 Characteristics of study population of adult stroke survivors at baseline in the National Health and Aging Trends Study (2011–2018) (N = 1330)

From: Predictors of not maintaining regular medical follow-up after stroke

Age (years)

N (%)


148 (11.1)


237 (17.8)


275 (20.7)


306 (23.0)


207 (15.6)


157 (11.8)




776 (58.4)




886 (66.6)


320 (24.1)


84 (6.3)


40 (3.0)

Marital status



584 (43.9)



 Less than high school

410 (30.8)

 High school

408 (30.7)

 At least some post high school

512 (38.5)

Social Determinants of Health


 Transportation to medical services

817 (61.4)

 Financial hardship

259 (19.5)

 Care companion

842 (63.3)

 Restriction in participation in social activities

441 (33.2)



 Probable Dementia

317 (23.8)

 Possible Dementia

200 (15.0)

 No Cognitive Impairment

813 (61.1)


342 (25.7)


280 (21.1)


Mean (± standard deviation)

 Chronic conditions

3.2 (± 1.6)

 Limitations in self-care activitiesa

2.4 (± 2.4)

 Limitations in household activitiesb

1.5 (± 1.6)

  1. avalue ranged from 0 to 7 bValue ranged from 0 to 4. Higher numbers represent more limitations.