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Table 2 Themes and Sub-themes

From: Identifying priorities for balance interventions through a participatory co-design approach with end-users



1. Balance is meaningful for daily life and rehabilitation

1a. “Without balance you cannot do anything”

1b. “I’m still working on my balance”

1c. “Balance is very multi-faceted”

1d. “A lot of individual variation”

2. Desired characteristics of balance interventions

2a. “The importance of tailoring the program”

2b. “The importance of the fun and engagement factor”

2c. “The balance between risk and safety”

2d. “Relevant to their lives”

3. Prior experiences with FES to inform future therapeutic use

3a. What individuals with SCI/D or stroke liked about FES

3b. What therapists liked about FES

3c. “Challenges we have experienced”

4. Potential role of FES in balance interventions

4a. “They would complement each other”

4b. Exploring how to incorporate FES into balance training

  1. FES = functional electrical stimulation, SC/D – spinal cord injury or disease