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Table 7 Recommendations for the design and implementation of balance interventions for individuals with SCI/D or stroke

From: Identifying priorities for balance interventions through a participatory co-design approach with end-users


Recommendations for Balance Interventions

Balance is meaningful for daily life and rehabilitation

1. Target balance control in the rehabilitation of people with stroke or SCI/D across the continuum of care.

2. Need balance interventions to be available for daily use to maintain and improve balance control.

Desired characteristics of balance interventions

1. Balance interventions should be relevant to the patients’ activities, lives and homes, and to their individual balance deficits.

2. Balance interventions should be fun and engaging.

3. Balance interventions should prioritize safety to increase patient comfort with the intervention, yet also offer a degree of challenge as appropriate for each individual’s risk tolerance.

Prior experiences with FES to inform future therapeutic use

1. The set-up time required for FES interventions should be minimized.

2. Wireless FES interventions are desired by end-users.

3. Inexpensive FES interventions are desired by end-users.

4. Home therapy options for FES should be explored.

Potential role of FES in balance interventions

1. Balance interventions combined with FES should be explored.