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Table 1 Summary of HRQoL and work productivity measures completed by patients and caregivers in the survey

From: Impact of neurofibromatosis type 1 with plexiform neurofibromas on the health-related quality of life and work productivity of adult patients and caregivers in the UK: a cross-sectional survey



Justification for use in the survey


Adult patients


Generic (HRQoL)

Previously used in NF1 [12]

0–1; higher score indicates better HRQoL


Generic (HRQoL)

Previously used in NF1 PN [11]

0–100; higher score indicates better HRQoL


NF1-specific (HRQoL)

Validated for assessment of HRQoL in patients with NF1, with significant bivariate correlations reported with EQ-5D and physician rated clinical severity scores [12]

0–42; higher score indicates worse HRQoL

Caregivers of paediatric patients


Generic (HRQoL)

Previously used to measure caregiver HRQoL [17, 18]

0–1; higher score indicates better HRQoL


Caregiver-specific (care-related Qol)

Used in informal care research and economic evaluation; validated for assessment of care-related QoL in informal caregivers, with significant multivariate correlations identified with other measures such as EQ-5D [19,20,21,22]

0–100; higher score indicates better care-related QoL


Caregiver-specific (work productivity)

Validated for assessment of productivity loss in caregivers through evidence of strong, significant correlations with existing measures [23, 24]

0%–100%; higher score indicates greater impairment to work productivity

  1. Abbreviations: CarerQol Care-Related Quality of Life, HRQoL health-related quality of life, INF1-QOL Impact of NF1 on Quality of Life, NF1 neurofibromatosis type 1, PN plexiform neurofibroma(s), PROMIS® GH Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System® Global Health, QoL quality of life, WPAI:CG Work Productivity and Activity Impairment questionnaire, as adapted for caregiving