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Table 1 Participant characteristics

From: Adjunctive tonic motor activation enables opioid reduction for refractory restless legs syndrome: a prospective, open-label, single-arm clinical trial


Participants (n = 20)

Age, mean (SD), y

62.9 (10.2)

Sex, n (%)


12 (60.0)


8 (40.0)

Race/Ethnicity, n (%)

 White/Hispanic or Latino

2 (10.0)

 White/Not Hispanic or Latino

18 (90.0)

IRLS total score at baseline, mean (SD)

9.8 (8.5)

Duration of RLS symptoms, mean (SD), y

31.1 (14.1)

Number of prior RLS medications, mean (SD)

3.2 (1.6)

Prior RLS medications, n (%)

 Dopamine agonist

19 (95.0)

 Alpha-2-delta ligand

12 (60.0)


4 (20.0)


2 (10.0)

Duration of opioid treatment for RLS, mean (SD), y

8.0 (4.6)

Baseline opioid dose, mean (SD), MME

39.0 (15.6)

Current RLS medications, n (%)


18 (90.0)


2 (10.0)

 Dopamine agonist

4 (20.0)

 Alpha-2-delta ligand

3 (15.0)

  1. IRLS International RLS Study Group rating scale, MME morphine milligram equivalent, RLS restless legs syndrome, SD standard deviation