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Table 1 Search strategy

From: The effect of fatigue on postural control in individuals with multiple sclerosis: a systematic review


Search string

Web of Science

(“postur*” OR “postural control” OR “postural sway” OR “postural stability” OR "postural steadiness” OR balance OR equilibrium OR sway) AND (fatig* OR lassitude OR exhaustion) AND (“multiple sclerosis”)


(“postural control“[Title/Abstract] OR “postural sway“[Title/Abstract] OR "postural stability“[Title/Abstract] OR “postural steadiness“[Title/Abstract] OR balance[Title/Abstract] OR equilibrium[Title/Abstract] OR sway[Title/Abstract]) AND (fatigue[Title/Abstract] OR lassitude[Title/Abstract] OR exhaustion[Title/Abstract]) AND (“multiple sclerosis“[Title/Abstract]) AND ((fft[Filter]) AND (humans[Filter]))


TITLE-ABS-KEY(“postur*” OR “postural control” OR “postural sway” OR “postural stability” OR “postural steadiness” OR balance OR equilibrium OR sway) AND TITLE-ABS-KEY(fatig* OR lassitude OR exhaustion) AND TITLE-ABS-KEY(“multiple sclerosis”)