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Fig. 1 | BMC Neurology

Fig. 1

From: Remote at-home wearable-based gait assessments in Progressive Supranuclear Palsy compared to Parkinson’s Disease

Fig. 1

Gyroscope derived data from the LegSys sensors: A Shows screenshots of the user interface from the BioDigit Home™ tablet; B Shows the gyroscopic data derived from a PD participant wearing the LegSys sensors while performing the Timed Up and Go (TUG) test. C Shows the same data derived from a participant with PSP. Note the difference in the scale of the X axis (time in seconds). The top line from each graph shows the waist angular velocity (in degrees); the middle shows the pelvic rotation (in degrees, demonstrating turning); the third line shows the angular position (degrees) of the sensors worn on the shanks. D Shows box and whisker plots of the time intervals for each of the components of the TUG test, PD in white, PSP in gray. The box plots show the median (middle line), 25th and percentiles, and the mean (X). * represents p value < 0.05, ** represents p value < 0.01, *** represents p value < 0.001

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