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Table 1 Databases search strategy

From: The effectiveness of physiotherapy for patients with isolated cervical dystonia: an updated systematic review and meta-analysis


Search Strategy


((((“Cervical Dystonia, Primary” [Supplementary Concept] OR “cervical dystonia” [All Fields] OR “spasmodic torticollis” [All Fields])))) AND (((“physical therapy modalities“[MeSH Terms] OR “physical therapy modalities“[All Fields] OR “physical therapy“[All Fields] OR “physiotherapy“[All Fields] OR “neuromotor rehabilitation” [All Fields] OR “Rehabilitation”[MeSH Terms] OR “relaxation therapy” [All Fields])))

Web of Science

TS=(cervical dystonia OR spasmodic torticollis) AND (TS=(physical therapy OR physical therapy modalities OR relaxation therapy OR neuromotor rehabilitation OR rehabilitation OR exercise therapy) NOT TS=(deep brain stimulation)) AND document types: (Article)


(“cervical dystonia” OR “spasmodic torticollis”) AND (“physical therapy” OR “physical therapy procedure” OR “neuromotor training” OR “relaxation therapy” OR “neuromotor rehabilitation” OR “rehabilitation”)