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Table 2 Logistic regressions of the relationships between malnutrition screening tools (PNI, CONUT, NRI, and BMI) and the risk of CID

From: Malnutrition and cerebral intraparenchymal damage in patients with thrombosis of dural sinuses and/or cerebral veins

Malnutrition indexes

Model1 (unadjusted)

Model 2  (adjusted)


OR (95%CI) p

OR (95%CI) p

PNI (continuous)

0.931 (0.881, 0.985), p = 0.013

0.873 (0.791, 0.963), p = 0.007

PNI (categorical)

2.834 (1.466–5.481), p = 0.002

3.591(1.424–9.058), p = 0.007

CONUT (continuous)

1.211 (1.006–1.458), p = 0.043


NRI (continuous)

0.970 (0.937,1.004), p = 0.084


BMI (continuous)

0.906 (0.815,1.007)  p  = 0.068


  1. Model1
  2. Age, Female, D2, PNI, CONUT, BMI, NRI, Homocysteine, albumin, TG, LDL, Sigmoid sinuses
  3. Abbreviations: CID Cerebral intraparenchymal damage, BMI Body mass index, CONUT score the controlling nutritional status score, NRI The Nutritional Risk Index, PNI Prognostic nutritional index, OR Odds ratio