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Table 2 Treatment-related variables; CIVAD: continuous intravenous anaesthetic drug; EEG: electroencephalography; IV: intravenous; ASM: antiseizure medication; NCSE: nonconvulsive status epilepticus

From: Sustained effort network for treatment of status epilepticus/European academy of neurology registry on adult refractory status epilepticus (SENSE-II/AROUSE)

First-line Benzodiazepines

Use of benzodiazepines as first-line treatment

Location, date and time of administration

Bolus dose and mode of administration

Second-line and other uses of conventional ASMs and benzodiazepines

(beyond first-line)

Date and time of first administration of any ASM used (including benzodiazepines and conventional ASMs)

Bolus dose and mode of administration

Maximum daily dose and mode of administration

Date and time of last dose applied and reason for discarding the substance.

Maximum serum levels of the substances in use (if applicable)

Adverse event documentation (if applicable)

Diagnostic IV ASM trial in IIC

If NCSE was diagnosed by EEG and clinical response to IV ASM, then the ASMs and the timing and kind of EEG and clinical improvement are documented.


Date and time of initiation of any CIVADs

Bolus dose, initial and maximal infusion rate

Date and time of discontinuation and reason for discontinuation

Adverse event documentation (if applicable)

Inhalational drugs

Date and time of initiation of any inhalational drugs

System of delivery

Initial and maximal inhalation rate

Date and time of discontinuation and reason for discontinuation.

Immune therapies

Use of immune therapy: steroid, intravenous immunoglobulins, plasma exchange, immune-adsorption, cyclophosphamide, rituximab, anakinra, tocilizumab or others.

Date and time of initiation and of discontinuation

Maintenance dosage and total amount applied

Additional therapies

Use of additional therapy: ketogenic diet, vagus nerve stimulation, hypothermia, electroconvulsive therapy and other neurostimulations, neurosurgical procedure or other

Date and time of initiation and of discontinuation.