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Table 1 Information on education, premorbid IQ and self-rated anxiety/depression at baseline of the patients and controls

From: Investigating cognitive reserve, symptom resolution and brain connectivity in mild traumatic brain injury


mTBI n = 15

OC n = 15

Length of education, mean (SD)

12.6 (1.8)

13.3 (1.8)

Estimated premorbid IQ, mean (SD)

99.0 (7.8)

104 (9.8)

HADS-D, median (range)

2 (0–5) (n = 14)

1 (0–11) (n = 14)

HADS-A median (range)

5.5 (0–10) (n = 14)

4 (0–14) (n = 14)

  1. Students t-test and Mann–Whitney U-test were used for comparison between the groups. No group differences where statistically significant
  2. OC Orthopedic controls, HADS-A Hospital anxiety and depression scale – anxiety subscale, HADS-D Hospital anxiety and depression scale – depression subscale