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Table 1 Participants’ characteristics at baseline and cognitive status at three months

From: Diagnostic accuracy of the Clock Drawing Test in screening for early post-stroke neurocognitive disorder: the Nor-COAST study


n = 554


 Age in years, mean (SD)


71.5 (11.8)

 Female sex, n (%)


238 (43.0)

 Education in years, mean (SD)


12.5 (3.8)

Stroke subtype, n (%)



504 (91.0)



50 (9.0)

TOAST classification, n (%)

n = 488/504


 Large-vessel disease


49 (8.8)

 Cardioembolic disease


112 (20.2)

 Small-vessel disease


113 (20.4)

 Other aetiology


13 (2.3)

 Undetermined aetiology


201 (36.3)

Treatment, n (%)



129 (23.3)



11 (2.0)

Function, mean (SD)

 NIHSS score, day 1 (0–42)

n = 542

2.6 (3.7)

 Pre-stroke mRS score (0–6)

n = 552

0.8 (1.0)

 mRS score at discharge (0–6)

n = 552

2.0 (1.3)

 Barthel Index (0–100)

n = 553

89.2 (18.0)

 Pre-stroke GDS score (0–7), mean (SD)

 3, mild NCD, n (%)

 4–7, major NCD, n (%)

n = 549

1.4 (0.8)

33 (6.0)

19 (3.5)

Cognitive status at three months, n (%)

 Normal cognition


253 (45.7)

 Mild NCD


161 (29.1)

 Major NCD


140 (25.3)

CDT score, n (%)



139 (25.1)



165 (29.8)



250 (45.1)

  1. TOAST Trial of ORG 10172 in Acute Stroke Treatment, NIHSS National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale, mRS modified Rankin Scale, GDS Global Deterioration Scale, NCD neurocognitive disorder, CDT Clock Drawing Test, SD standard deviation