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Table 1 Studies of Parkinson’s disease and exercise with implications for sleep parameters

From: Effect of exercise on sleep quality in Parkinson’s disease: a mini review


Sample Size

Participant Age Range

Study Type

Disease Stage

Exercise Modality

Sleep Implication

Moon et al., 2020 [45]

17 (8 experimental group)

40–80 years of age

-Randomized Controlled Study

- Double blind

Hoehn & Yahr stages 1–3

12-week Qigong exercise program performed twice per day at home (15–20 min) and once per week in a group session (45 min- 1 h)

Both sham and Qigong exercise improved sleep quality, and Actigraph variables (such as sleep efficiency) correlated with PD symptoms at night

Amara et al., 2020 [44]

55 (n = 27 experimental group)

≥ 45 years old

Randomized Controlled Study

Hoehn & Yahr stages 2–3

16-week resistance training and body-weight interval training at high intensity at 3 times per week

Improved sleep efficiency, total sleep time, wake after sleep onset, and slow-wave sleep; chronic exercise shows greater changes compared to acute.

Coe et al., 2018 [49]

65 (n = 29 experimental group)

Mean Age 67 years

Randomized Controlled Study

-Single blind (assessors)


30 min of aerobic training followed by 30 min of resistance training

No impact on self-reported sleep, but increase in light activities overnight

Yang et al., 2017 [46]

36 (n = 19 in group training and 17 in individual training)

50–75 years old

Randomized Controlled Study

-single blind (assessors)

Hoehn and Yahr stages 1–3

Tai Chi training 3 times a week for 13 weeks and daily home exercises

Both groups improved sleep quality (assessed by PDSS)

Silva-Batista et al., 2017 [22]

22 (11 in experimental group)

64–75 years old

Randomized Controlled Study

- single blind (assessors)

Hoehn and Yahr stages 2–3

Resistance training program twice a week for 12 weeks

Resistance training resulted in improved PSQI sleep scores in patients with PD from pre-training to post-training

Xiao & Zhuang, 2016 [47]

100 PD (50 in experimental group)

55–80 years old

Randomized Controlled Study

- single blind (assessors)

Hoehn and Yahr stages 1–3

Baduanjin Qiqong exercise for 6 months, completed at least once per day for at least 4 times per week

Improvements in sleep quality, and more specifically, decrease in motor symptoms at night and in disturbed sleep

Frazzitta et al., 2015 [23]

138 (89 in experimental group)

61–77 years old

Retrospective study

Hoehn and Yahr stages 2–3

Multidisciplinary intensive rehabilitation treatment: 4-week physical therapy that entailed three daily sessions, five days a week

Improvement in sleep quality as assessed by PDSS and UPDRS.

Inverse correlation between levodopa and sleep scores

Wassom et al., 2015 [48]

7 PD

58–75 years old

Pre-Post Interventional trial


6-week Qigong exercise performed 2 times per day at home (15–20 min) and once per week as group (45–60 min)

Improved sleep quality, specifically, improved motor symptoms at night

Nascimento et al., 2014 [41]

64 (n = 17 PD in exercise and n = 17 PD in control; n = 30 in AD)

58–75 years old

Randomized Controlled Study

- single blind (assessors)

Hoehn and Yahr stages 1–3

6-month exercise session (including resistance, aerobic and balance training), with three 1-hour sessions per week

Improved mini sleep questionnaire score in exercising group

  1. PD: Parkinson’s Disease; PDSS: Parkinson’s Disease Sleep Scale; UPDRS: Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale; AD: Alzheimer’s Disease