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Table 1 Sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of CI users

From: Improving emotion perception in cochlear implant users: insights from machine learning analysis of EEG signals

CI users’ Sociodemographic and Clinical Characteristics

(N = 22)

Chronological Age, mean (SD)

44.0 (15.0)

Female Sex, no. (%)

17 (77.3)

Duration of Profound Deafness, mean years (SD)

16.3 (15.3)

Age at Implantation, mean (Range)

34.7 (1.7–62.7)


bUnilateral, no. (%)

14 (63.6)

Bilateral, no. (%)

8 (36.4)

Duration of CI Use, mean years (SD)

9.3 (6.7)

Speech Intelligibility score in Quiet, % score (SD)

68.3 (18.8)

  1. aDifferent manufacturers were represented, but all stimulation strategies were envelope-based
  2. bUsers with a contralateral hearing aid were asked to remove it during testing