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Table 4 Behavioral coaching session content

From: Study protocol: exercise training for treating major depressive disorder in multiple sclerosis

Week 1 Introduction to program

Tele/Video-chat 1: Clarification of materials received and initial questions; Explanation of program; Planning exercise schedule; Using the log-book; Newsletter 1; Exercise expectations; Exercise outcomes; Importance of this knowledge

Week 2 Outcome expectations

Tele/Video-chat 2: Compliance with program; Using the manual and log-book; Identifying personal outcomes

Week 3 Choosing a program

Tele/Video-chat 3; Compliance with program; Comparison of orange, blue and green programs; Choosing a program; Newsletter 2; Self-monitoring defined; Benefits of self-monitoring; Importance of this knowledge

Week 4 Self-monitoring

Tele/Video-chat 4: Compliance with program; Using your pedometer; Understanding exercise intensity

Week 5 Goal-setting

Tele/Video-chat 5: Compliance with program; Setting SMAART goals; Performing resistance training exercises correctly; Tracking progress; Newsletter3; Specific, measurable, adjustable, action-oriented, realistic, and time-limited exercise related goals defined; Importance of this knowledge

Week 7 Self-efficacy

Tele/Video-chat 6: Finding your self-confidence; What to do when you feel like quitting; Involving family; Newsletter 4; Self-efficacy defined; Experiencing success, choosing role models, accepting encouragement & managing physical and emotional responses; Reminder that program is specific for persons with MS

Week 11 Overcoming Barriers

Tele/Video-chat 7: Identifying your barriers; Making plans to overcome obstacles; Dealing with MS symptoms; Newsletter 5; Exercise barriers defined; Common barriers (facilities, social & symptoms); Strategies to overcome barriers

Week 15 Identifying facilitators

Tele/Video-chat 8: How to keep going on your own; Making adjustments as needed; Setting future goals; Newsletter 6; Exercise facilitators defined; Common facilitators (having a goal, enjoyment, social support, knowledge); Using facilitators long term

  1. The table and its contents are adapted from our previous research using the same intervention [18,19,20,21,22]